The temporary company grouping (Groupement Momentané d'Entreprises, GME) multi-role armoured vehicle (engin blindé multi rôles, EBMR), including Nexter, a KNDS company, Thales and Arquus, delivered, this year, 123 GRIFFON and 22 JAGUAR vehicles to the Directorate General of Armaments (Direction générale de l’armement, DGA), the French Defence Procurement Agency. GME EBMR once again achieves annual delivery targets.
Ongoing JAGUAR and GRIFFON deliveries and qualifications
As defined in the 2019-2025 military programming law, Nexter, a KNDS company, Thales and Arquus fulfilled all GRIFFON and JAGUAR DGA orders scheduled for 2023. These 2019 beginning supplies expended the global hand over to 575 GRIFFON and 60 JAGUAR.
In 2023, the EBMR company grouping introduced the first "Sanitaire" (SAN) GRIFFONs for the French Army Health Service (Système de santé des armées, SSA). This model, which was qualified in 2022, will be delivered to the Forces in early 2024.
Furthermore, on June 16, 2023, the DGA probated a VOA («Véhicule d’Observation d’Artillerie ») version of the GRIFFON and the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment (3e RAMa) welcomed its first examples. The GRIFFON VOA replaces the VAB OBS. Originally designed to be integrated into the ATLAS artillery fire management chain, this vehicle present a retractable optronic observation mast, equipped with innovative technology availing surveillance, telemetry, pointing and laser designation in order to target and to guide artillery fire. It allows in addition MURIN tactical surveillance radar incorporation.