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In particular, the GRIFFON enhances the protection of combatants with improved armor, a remotely-operated turret and latest-generation sensors.
The vehicle is available in several versions: troop transport (infantry, engineers, cavalry, logistics, etc.), medical, command post and artillery observation.

Main characteristics

  • Missions

    • Transport battle group to conflict zone for specific deployments (Patrol, Response, MMP Missile, engineering)
    • Enable command of combined arms units within a Battle Group
    • Transport artillery observation team to conflict zone for intelligence, fire-setting, weapon and aircraft guidance
    • Transport medical casualties or evacuate casualties from the combat zone to a rear area
  • Survability

    • Basic protection in standard configuration: Ballistics (STANAG 4569), Mines (STANAG 4569), IED, Blast and Shell Fragments
    • Additional Protection in OPEX Conguration and Future Evolution: Ballistic (STANAG 4569), Mines (STANAG 4569), IED, Blast and Shell Fragments
    • Fire Protection and NRBC
    • IED protection: BARAGE interference interface